Posts Tagged ‘game play’

Legends of Dawn

Okay after my Skyrim disaster I gave it another try but again without any real success.
The first shock for me was the character creation, but well after Skyrim and the tons of provided options this really hurts to see. None of the provided faces is somehow nice or beautiful or anyhow cool but maybe the game is more about the game play and story and anyway you barely see your character in this kind of game.

The rest of the graphics look really good actually, convincing for an Indy game but still the first steps already hurt as I had to move my character with w,a,s,d instead of simple mouse clicks and that’s not what I like in this kinds of game to be honest.
Apart from those first shocks the controls are rather laggy, not because of any FPS lag or similar just because the character reacts badly I felt. Somehow Diablo 2 came to my mind and it’s, for newer times really bad handling, it simply doesn’t feel good to run with your character around.

Tabbing through all the windows, skills and inventories I already felt a bit lost and uncomfortable, also the surrounding seemed better on the first look then on the second when suddenly everything changed into some cheap environment with almost 2D walls and crappy effects.

Fighting was even more of a horror to me then everything before, bringing your character in place with the keyboard to than click the enemy to hit it really hurts.

I couldn’t continue and also didn’t really get much of the story or the surrounding, my summary is a very bad one and the game left my HDD after a total of 42 minutes of none convincing game play, graphics and controls.

Tried and Uninstalled.

Tried and Uninstalled.